Increasing Insurance Rates

Stormy Home Graphic

Recently, in the past few years there have been a record of wind, rain, and hailstorms. These storms have caused a lot of damage all over the entire country, specifically in the Midwest. We are seeing large rate increases across the board as a result of these storms. In 2022 the average full coverage auto […]

Reminder: Put Down the Phone While Driving

Graphic of cell phone usage while driving to being equal to having two alcoholic beverages.

People who text while driving are six times more likely to be involved in a car crash while those who talk on a mobile device while driving increase their crash risk more than two times. Yet many drivers are still willing to take the risk, as “fear of missing out” and separation anxiety keep them […]

How Auto GAP Coverage Could Save You Thousands

Gap Coverage Graphic

GAP coverage stands for “guaranteed asset protection”. It covers the difference between the amount you owe on your car and the actual cash value of the vehicle. You don’t want to owe more on your car than it’s worth (“upside down”) if your car is totaled or if it’s stolen and not recovered. For example, […]

Avoid Distracted Driving. Take the Pledge to “Just Drive”.

Distracted driving is a public health issue that affects us all. The latest statistics show motor vehicle fatalities are up 6% from 2015, and distracted driving is a major factor in this. Each death is 100% preventable. From cell phones to dashboard infotainment systems to evolving voice command features – all pose a threat to our […]