Kris Rasmussen Joins Meyer Insurance

Meyer Insurance is excited to welcome Kris Rasmussen, CIC/CPCU/ARM, to its team of insurance agents. Her focus is working on the agency’s commercial business. Before joining Meyer Insurance, Kris was the Tourism Promotions Director for the Sauk Prairie Chamber of Commerce. Insurance is in Kris’s blood. At the age of 12, she began working at […]

What To Do After an Accident

Blue car after head on collision

No one plans to be involved in a car accident. But they do happen and it is important to be prepared. Often times we get two completely different stories of the circumstances surrounding an accident. Even if one driver confesses to the other driver it was his/her fault, sometimes, as soon as the police arrive, […]

When You Use Your Car or Home for Extra Income

Man driving in a red car

Using assets you already own – your car or home – can seem like an easy way to earn some extra income. However, if you aren’t careful it can also be a huge liability if you don’t take the time to understand the insurance implications. If you are looking to rent out your home (or […]

Home and Business Finance Tips

Man hold a calculator photo

Whether you’re managing your personal finances or those of a small business, the New Year is a good time to review, make a few simple changes and set a plan. A 2015 survey commissioned by Fifth Third Bank revealed Americans have limited financial knowledge and stability. Of those surveyed, only 55.8% knew what a credit […]

Six Ways to Protect Your Business from Cyber Attacks 

In today’s online environment, even Fortune 500 companies aren’t exempt from cyber-crime, but they aren’t the only target. Are you aware of your risks? The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) states that companies with less than 100 employees lose approximately $155,000 every year as a result of fraud. Small businesses are often at greater […]

The Importance of Life Insurance

Family sitting in a park in fall, smiling and looking at camera

Did you know 40% of Americans don’t have life insurance? Yes, it financially protects your family in case you pass away. But it’s not just for paying funeral expenses; you might be surprised by the reasons everyone needs life insurance. College Students/Young Adults: Young and healthy? Life insurance is still important. Your parents would be responsible […]

Fireplace Safety

Meyer insurance fireplace

What can be better than the crackling of a fire in your fireplace on a cold winter’s night? However, your fireplace, if not properly maintained, can be a danger to your home and family. According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), between 2007 and 2011, fireplaces, chimneys and chimney connectors accounted for 38% of […]

Getting Ready for Winter

So far, this winter has been pretty mild. But one thing we know about winter in Wisconsin – it will come at some point. Now is a good time to take advantage of the warmer than usual weather to make sure your car and home are ready for winter. Getting Your Car Ready Winter weather […]

Holiday Decoration Safety Tips

The holidays are a time for getting together with family and friends. Rarely do we consider how our decorations could put us at risk for injury or fire. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) estimates that every year, more than 12,500 injuries involving holiday decorations are seen in emergency departments nationwide during November and […]

Avoiding Deer Collisions

Picture this: you’re driving along a winding country road enjoying the beautiful fall colors and suddenly a huge buck runs in front of your vehicle. How would you react? Fall is peak time for deer-vehicle collisions thanks to deer mating season, which begins in fall and runs through January. During this time deer are very […]

Heading South for Winter?

Time to do an insurance check before you go. It’s November in Wisconsin. The leaves are off the trees, the weather is turning cooler and before we know it there will be snow on the ground. Sounds like a good time to head South, right? And that’s just what many Wisconsinites do every winter. If […]

Don’t Be a Stranger!

Getting married? Having a baby? Purchasing a new car? These are all things you tell your family and friends about, and probably even post on Facebook. But do you call your insurance agent? It’s important to stay in touch with your insurance agent about life changes or major purchases to make sure we include them […]