When we purchase insurance we make sure our home, cars and our family’s health and life are covered. But what about our pets? At Meyer Insurance, we love our pets. Bo and Sandy have been known to make an appearance at the office from time to time. We offer two pet insurance options for our customers.


Homeowners Insurance

One of our trusted companies, Pekin Insurance, provides a pet insurance option for customers with a homeowners policy. This insurance is meant to protect your dog or cat if they are sick or hurt.

Pet insurance works a lot like “people” insurance. There is a deductible, coinsurance and maximum annual benefit. Once you pay your coinsurance and the deductible is met, insurance takes care of the rest. You can insure your pet starting at six weeks up until age eight for dogs and age 10 for cats. Pre-existing conditions are excluded.

A waiting period applies, but after that, if your pet is ill or injured take it to a licensed veterinarian, obtain a receipt, and submit for reimbursement.

Auto Insurance

Two of our auto insurance providers, Progressive and IMT, provide pet injury protection with an auto insurance policy that includes collision coverage. If your pet is hurt in an accident in your vehicle, this coverage helps pay for medical bills.

If you would like to learn more about pet insurance coverage through Meyer Insurance, contact us today at (608) 643-3000 or meyerins@meyeragency.com.